Tuesday, June 25, 2013

X-ray technician eyes Guinness entry with 3,000-year calendar | ummid.com

X-ray technician eyes Guinness entry with 3,000-year calendar | ummid.com
Educated at the Sainik School in the state capital, Thomas was at his alma mater for the reunion day last week. Seeing many of his classmates in senior positions in the defence forces or in civilian jobs, Thomas told them: "Wait and see, I might be an X-ray technician, but I'll soon have an entry in the record books." - See more at: http://www.ummid.com/news/2013/June/25.06.2013/x_ray_tech_on_calendar.html#sthash.SezKIeBh.dpuf
Educated at the Sainik School in the state capital, Thomas was at his alma mater for the reunion day last week. Seeing many of his classmates in senior positions in the defence forces or in civilian jobs, Thomas told them: "Wait and see, I might be an X-ray technician, but I'll soon have an entry in the record books."