Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Breather for Delhi teacher on 'fake' caste certificate | ummid.com

Breather for Delhi teacher on 'fake' caste certificate | ummid.com
Principal Bench Chairman Syed Rafat Alam and Member Birendra Kumar Sinha allowed teacher Mithlesh Verma's application, opposing the education department's proceedings against her, and said: "The impugned departmental proceeding is hereby quashed." - See more at: http://www.ummid.com/news/2013/May/22.05.2013/delhi_techrs_fake_crt.html#sthash.usBpfkOR.dpuf
Principal Bench Chairman Syed Rafat Alam and Member Birendra Kumar Sinha allowed teacher Mithlesh Verma's application, opposing the education department's proceedings against her, and said: "The impugned departmental proceeding is hereby quashed."